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Relayer Guide

Steps involved in running a relayer

Minimum Requirements

  • 2-core, x86_64 architecture processor
  • 4 GB RAM
  • 64GB storage

If running many nodes on a single VM, ensure your open files limit is increased


  • Latest go-version
  • Ensure you have a Router chain instance running instance running for the environment you want to setup the relayer for. In case you want to run the relayer for your local, follow this guide to setup Router chain locally.
  • Reliable RPCs for supporting networks

Setup Relayer

Step 1) Setup configuration for the relayer

In the root folder, a sample config file config.example.json has been provided.

Full Config File
"global": { //Global relayer config
"dbPath": "txq.db", //Transaction queue database path; default:txq.db
"environment": "development", //Relayer running environment; default:development
"watcherTimer": 80, //Watcher service polling time in secs; default:60
"pollingTimer": 60, //Listener service polling time in secs; default:60
"reset": "false", //Database reset on start of relayer service; default:false
"routerRelayerAddress": "RELAYER_ADDRESS", //Relayer router chain address; default:""
"routerchainEnv": "devnet" //Router chain connection environment; default:local
"chains": { //Chain related config
"7545": {
"name": "ganache1", //Chain Name
"rpc": "RPC_1", // RPC
"gasLimit": 9000000,
"maxGasPrice": 10000000000,
"key": "PRIVATE_KEY"
"8545": {
"name": "ganache2",
"rpc": "RPC_2",
"gasLimit": 9000000,
"maxGasPrice": 10000000000,
"key": "PRIVATE_KEY"
"name": "Fuji",
"rpc": "RPC_3",
"gasLimit": 9000000,
"maxGasPrice": 10000000000,
"key": "PRIVATE_KEY"
"name": "Mumbai",
"rpc": "RPC_4",
"gasLimit": 9000000,
"maxGasPrice": 10000000000,
"key": "PRIVATE_KEY"

Understanding global config

"global": {  //Global relayer config
"dbPath": "txq.db", //Transaction queue database path; default:txq.db
"environment": "development", //Relayer running environment; default:development
"watcherTimer": 80, //Watcher service polling time in secs; default:60
"pollingTimer": 60, //Listener service polling time in secs; default:60
"reset": "false", //Database reset on start of relayer service; default:false
"routerRelayerAddress": "RELAYER_ADDRESS", //Relayer router chain address; default:""
"routerchainEnv": "devnet" //Router chain connection environment; default:local
  • environment: This is the relayer running environment; specifies the verbosity for the relayer; accepted values - development or production.
  • watcherTimer: Watcher is a service for monitoring Transaction Queue DB. watcherTimer determines the polling interval for service in seconds.
  • pollingTimer: Polling Timer is for listening interval for transaction from Router chain
  • reset: Reset is for resetting Transaction Queue DB, if true it will reset, if false in will not reset.
  • routerchainEnv: routerchainEnv is router chain instance to connect with, it connects with network's gRPC and chainID; accepted values - testnet or devnet or local-docker

Understanding chain config

"chainId": {
"name": "ganache1", //Chain Name
"rpc": "RPC_1", // RPC
"gasLimit": 9000000,
"maxGasPrice": 10000000000,
"key": "PRIVATE_KEY"

Chains config section defines parameters for each supported chain by the relayer. You can follow the same structure as given in the example and provide name, rpc, gasLimit, maxGasPrice and private key for chains you want to support.

  1. Make sure that the chains mentioned in the config are supported by Router chain. Chains not supported will be ignored.
  2. Ensure the wallet has funds in the respective native tokens of all the supported chains in order to pay the fees required to relay.

Step 2) Run the relayer

Run Directly
  1. Clone the following repo
    git clone
  2. Use the above mentioned details and create your config file and paste it to example/cfg/config.json
  3. Run the relayer
    cd router-relayer
    cd example
    go run main.go
Run by building binary
  1. Clone the following repo
    git clone
  2. Build the binary
    cd router-relayer
    make build
    This will create a binary named router-relayer in GOPATH.
  3. Use the above mentioned details and create your config file
  4. Run the relayer
    router-relayer $PATH/to/config.json

Do not use your relaying-addresses for anything else because it will lead to account nonce sequence errors.