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Basics about relayers on the Router chain

Intro to Router Relayers

In the Router system, relayers are permissionless entities that relay executable proposals from the Router chain to a specific destination chain. The Router chain has a set of relayers operated by various third parties, which distributes the responsibility. In the set, each relayer listens to the Router chain and relays data to the destination chains as and when required. These relayers also carry out subsequent actions based on the events that have been transmitted.


  1. The relayer will be able to submit outbound/crosstalk requests to the destination chain.
  2. The relayer will be able to whitelist application bridge contract addresses and process only outbound requests originating from the whitelisted application bridge contract addresses.
  3. The relayer will be able to submit a ValsetUpdate request to all the destination chains configured on the multichain module.
  4. The relayer will be able to secure the keys of various chain types - EVM, Cosmos, and Substrate, among others.