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Running Router Chain on Any Local System

In this section we will dilineate the steps involved in running the Router blockchain on any local machine.

Part 1: Config File Setup

Step 1) Clone the Router chain repository

Clone this repo to begin deploying the Router chain in your local system.

Step 2) Create a config file

Run the command given below to create a config file from the existing template.

cp config.example.json config.json

Step 3) Set the relevant paths and environment

In the config.json file, you will have a key named meta.

  • Set up the paths for the public key rsaPublic and the private key rsaPrivate.
  • Config files are picked based on environment. To run locally, set the env to local.

Step 4) Set the configurations

In the config.json file, there is a list of services supported by the deployment script. Each service has the following fields with default values. You can update the fields as per your requirements.

  1. name - Name of the service
  2. fn - Corresponding handler function (you can see this function in deploy/
  3. containerName - Container name of the service, change it if you want to use a different container name
  4. srcPath - Local path where to clone the service
  5. enable - Set it to true to start the respective service
  6. repo - SSH URL of the repository
  7. branch - Branch of the repo to checkout
  8. clearCache - Set it to true to remove already cloned repository. It will clone the repo again and build it from scratch. Set to false if the repo is already cloned and the docker image is already built. If you are not sure, set it to true.

Example service config for router-chain:

"name": "router-chain",
"fn": "RunChain",
"repo": "",
"branch": "featchain-automation",
"containerName": "router-chain-image",
"enable": false,
"clearCache": true

Part 2: Deployment

Step 1) Install the prerequisites

  1. jq - to read the JSON config
  2. docker - to start containers

You can install the aforementioned pre-requisites by following their official documentation or by using the following commands:

apt-get install jq
apt-get install docker-ce docker-ce-cli docker-compose-plugin

Step 2) Start deployment

Run the following commands to start the Router chain deployment on your local machine:

cd routerchain-devops
bash deploy/

Once these commands are successfully executed, the Router chain should be running in your local system!