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The guides on this page will provide the list of utilities available when building with Router.

sdk-goIt’s a Golang library which provides various api’s to query state from Routerchain and also to submit tx to Routerchain.
These api’s are for various modules like Crosstalk, Inbound, Outbound, Multichain, Valset etc.
1. dApps built over Router chain.
2. Routerchain components like Orchestrator, Relayer will use this utility to interact with Router chain.
3. Developers to create tools for Router chain which need Golang support.
sdk-tsTo interact with Router chain from UI or node.js environment. Query data from chain, create, sign and broadcast transactions to the Router Chain.1. dApps built over Router chain.
2. Routerchain components like Orchestrator, Relayer will use this utility to interact with Router chain.
3. Developers to create tools for Router chain which need JS/TS support.
Router wasm bindingsA rust crate which needs to be added as a dependency in router chain dApp to have cross-chain support.1. dApps built on Router chain.
2. dApps building cross-chain using middleware capabilities.