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Your First OmniChain dApp

In this section, we'll provide a step-by-step guide for how users can deploy their first cross-chain dApp that leverages the middleware infra enabled by the Router chain.

Before diving into the guide, it's important to understand Router's high-level workflow. Once you have gained a basic understanding of how a cross-chain application works on the Router chain, you can read through this guide that will cover the following sections:

  • Setting up Router's EVM Devnet to deploy and test sample cross-chain applications
  • Deploying a sample application contract (Solidity) on Router's EVM Devnet
  • Deploying a sample bridge contract (CosmWasm) on Router's Alpha Devnet
  • Testing the end-to-end workflow

At the end of the guide, we'll have two working contracts:

  1. An application contract on Router's EVM Devnet acting as both the source and destination contract
  2. A bridge contract on the Router chain