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Step 1) Run a Sentry Node

Step 1.1) Clone routerd binary
sudo mv routerd /usr/bin
Step 1.2) Initialize the chain config

Before running the RouterChain node, it is very important to initialize the chain.

# the argument <moniker> is the custom username of your node, it should be human-readable.
export MONIKER=<moniker>
# the Router devnet has a chain-id of "router_9603-1"
routerd init $MONIKER --chain-id router_9603-1

Running the aforementioned commands will create routerd default configuration files at ~/.routerd.

Step 1.3) Prepare configuration to join the devnet

Validators need to update the default configuration using devnet's genesis file and application config file, as well as configure their persistent peers with a seed node.

git clone

# copy genesis file to config directory
cp network-config/devnet/10001/genesis.json ~/.routerd/config/

# copy config file to config directory
cp network-config/devnet/10001/app.toml ~/.routerd/config/app.toml
cp network-config/devnet/10001/config.toml ~/.routerd/config/config.toml

Validators can also verify the checksum of the genesis file - 6df41f6f7ea0a3cfaee966b2e25b3a2585545cb676f633eda3b8ea1bedece902

sha256sum ~/.routerd/config/genesis.json
Step 1.4) Configure systemd service for routerd

Edit the config at /etc/systemd/system/routerd.service


ExecStart=/usr/bin/routerd --log-level=debug start


After making these edits, restart the systemd service:

# restarting the systemd service
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl restart routerd
sudo systemctl status routerd

# enable start on system boot
sudo systemctl enable routerd

# to check Logs
journalctl -u routerd -f
Step 1.5) Start the chain
sudo systemctl stop routerd
sudo systemctl start routerd

After executing these commands, syncing will begin.