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PoS Validation

In this page, we will learn about the basics of the PoS validation mechanism and how it is implemented in the Cosmos ecosystem.


Proof-of-stake validation in Cosmos-based chains is a consensus mechanism that allows holders of the native token (in Router chain's case, ROUTE token) to participate in the network's decision-making process. In this system, validators are chosen to propose and validate blocks based on the amount of ROUTE they hold and are willing to "stake" as collateral.


Slashing is a penalty that is imposed on validators who act maliciously or fail to follow the rules of the network. This penalty involves having a portion of their staked tokens (ROUTE) slashed as collateral. This mechanism is designed to incentivize good behavior and discourage bad actors from disrupting the network.


Delegation is the process using which ROUTE token holders can delegate their staked tokens to a validator to participate in network consensus on their behalf. Validators who have more delegated tokens have a higher chance of being chosen to create new blocks and earn block rewards. The delegator still owns their tokens and can withdraw them at any time, but the validator they delegate to will take a small commission for their services.