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Step 3) Configure and Run an Orchestrator Instance

Before proceeding with this step, make sure that you are running a validator. If note, follow this guide to become a validator.

Step 3.1) Configure the orchestrator
mkdir .router-orchestrator
cp network-config/devnet/10001/orchestrator-config.json ~/.router-orchestrator/config.json
cd ~/.router-orchestrator

Update the chainRpc in the config.json file with valid EVM RPC endpoints for all the chains.

Orchestrator also requires access to the validator's Cosmos and Ethereum credentials to sign transactions for the corresponding networks.

Cosmos Keys

There are two ways to provide the credential access - a keyring with encrypted keys, or just a private key in plaintext.

1. Cosmos Keyring

Update the cosmosPrivateKey to the validator key name (or account address). Please note that the default keyring backend is a password-encrypted file on the disk.

The keyring path must be pointing to homedir of the routerd node, in case keys needs to be reused from there.

2. Cosmos Private Key (Unsafe)

Simply update the cosmosPrivateKey with the private key of the validator account.

To obtain the validator's Cosmos private key, run routerd keys unsafe-export-eth-key $VALIDATOR_KEY_NAME.

Ethereum Keys

To provide the credential access, a private key in plaintext needs to be provided.

Ethereum Private Key (Unsafe)

Simply update the ethPrivateKey with an Ethereum private key from a new account.

Step 3.2) Register the Ethereum address

Submit set-orchestrator-address tx to Routerchain with orchestrator-router-address and orchestrator-eth-address.

This tx will register the orchestrator addresses on Routerchain

routerd tx attestation set-orchestrator-address [orchestrator-router-address] [orchestrator-eth-address]

Example: routerd tx attestation set-orchestrator-address router1emlu0gy7hju5pywvmkhy529f7s24ydtm49pwcl 0x1E5B81378a1D484169aB9b133FFD97003316e840 --from my-node --home ~/.routerd --keyring-backend file --chain-id router-1 --fees 100000000000000route

Successful registration can be verified by checking for Validator's mapped Ethereum address on list of orchestrators.

Step 3.3) Start the Orchestrator
cd ~/.router-orchestrator
router-orchestrator start --reset --config ~/.router-orchestrator/config.json

After executing the aforementioned commands, your orchestrator instance will start running.