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Structure of an application-specific explorer

The following code defines the main class that has a set of functions that will allow applications to get data related to their queries directly.

const gqlApis = {

class RouterExplorer{
public readonly chainEnvironment: string
public readonly applicationAddress: string

constructor (chainEnvironment:string,applicationAddress:string) {
this.chainEnvironment = chainEnvironment;
this.applicationAddress = applicationAddress;

public async getLatestTransactions(timeRange: number[], limit:number, offset:number){
// Fetch latest txns

public async getTransactionByHash(transactionHash:string){
//Fetch a particular txn with txn hash

public async getLatestCrosschains(timeRange: number[], limit:number, offset:number){
//Fetch latest cross-chain txns

public async getCrosschainBySearch(searchTerm: String, srcChainIds: string[], dstChainIds: string[], timeRange: number[], limit: Number, offset: Number){
// Fetch list of cross-chain txns filtered based on multiple params, only searchTerm is mandatory

public async getOutboundsForInbound(inboundId: String) {
//Fetch outbound transactions related to an inbound