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Creating a Sample Cross-Chain NFT Contract

To create cross-chain applications using the Router infrastructure, users will have to build and deploy application contracts on various third-party chains. This section describes how to create a cross-chain NFT smart contract.

STEP 1) Create your Solidity smart contract

We simply inherit Openzeppelin's implementations of popular standard ERC1155, and extend the behavior to our needs. To make NFT cross-chain, we import Router Protocol's evm-gateway-contracts and utilise them as shown in the following code.

// SPDX-License-Identifier: Unlicensed
pragma solidity >=0.8.0 <0.9.0;

import "@routerprotocol/evm-gateway-contracts@1.1.11/contracts/IDapp.sol";
import "@routerprotocol/evm-gateway-contracts@1.1.11/contracts/IGateway.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC1155/ERC1155.sol";

/// @title XERC1155
/// @notice A cross-chain ERC-1155 smart contract to demonstrate how one can create
/// cross-chain NFT contracts using Router CrossTalk.
contract XERC1155 is ERC1155, IDapp {
// address of the owner
address public owner;

// address of the gateway contract
IGateway public gatewayContract;

// chain type + chain id => address of our contract in string format
mapping(string => string) public ourContractOnChains;

// transfer params struct where we specify which NFTs should be transferred to
// the destination chain and to which address
struct TransferParams {
uint256[] nftIds;
uint256[] nftAmounts;
bytes nftData;
bytes recipient;

string memory _uri,
address payable gatewayAddress,
string memory feePayerAddress
) ERC1155(_uri) {
gatewayContract = IGateway(gatewayAddress);
owner = msg.sender;

// minting ourselves some NFTs so that we can test out the contracts
_mint(msg.sender, 1, 10, "");


/// @notice function to set the fee payer address on Router Chain.
/// @param feePayerAddress address of the fee payer on Router Chain.
function setDappMetadata(string memory feePayerAddress) external {
require(msg.sender == owner, "only owner");

/// @notice function to set the Router Gateway Contract.
/// @param gateway address of the gateway contract.
function setGateway(address gateway) external {
require(msg.sender == owner, "only owner");
gatewayContract = IGateway(gateway);

function mint(
address account,
uint256[] memory nftIds,
uint256[] memory amounts,
bytes memory nftData
) external {
require(msg.sender == owner, "only owner");
_mintBatch(account, nftIds, amounts, nftData);

/// @notice function to set the address of our NFT contracts on different chains.
/// This will help in access control when a cross-chain request is received.
/// @param chainId chain Id of the destination chain in string.
/// @param contractAddress address of the NFT contract on the destination chain.
function setContractOnChain(
string calldata chainId,
string calldata contractAddress
) external {
require(msg.sender == owner, "only owner");
ourContractOnChains[chainId] = contractAddress;

/// @notice function to generate a cross-chain NFT transfer request.
/// @param destChainId chain ID of the destination chain in string.
/// @param transferParams transfer params struct.
/// @param requestMetadata abi-encoded metadata according to source and destination chains
function transferCrossChain(
string calldata destChainId,
TransferParams calldata transferParams,
bytes calldata requestMetadata
) public payable {
keccak256(abi.encodePacked(ourContractOnChains[destChainId])) !=
"contract on dest not set"

// burning the NFTs from the address of the user calling _burnBatch function
_burnBatch(msg.sender, transferParams.nftIds, transferParams.nftAmounts);

// sending the transfer params struct to the destination chain as payload.
bytes memory packet = abi.encode(transferParams);
bytes memory requestPacket = abi.encode(

gatewayContract.iSend{ value: msg.value }(

/// @notice function to get the request metadata to be used while initiating cross-chain request
/// @return requestMetadata abi-encoded metadata according to source and destination chains
function getRequestMetadata(
uint64 destGasLimit,
uint64 destGasPrice,
uint64 ackGasLimit,
uint64 ackGasPrice,
uint128 relayerFees,
uint8 ackType,
bool isReadCall,
bytes memory asmAddress
) public pure returns (bytes memory) {
bytes memory requestMetadata = abi.encodePacked(
return requestMetadata;

/// @notice function to handle the cross-chain request received from some other chain.
/// @param packet the payload sent by the source chain contract when the request was created.
/// @param srcChainId chain ID of the source chain in string.
function iReceive(
string memory,// requestSender,
bytes memory packet,
string memory srcChainId
) external override returns (bytes memory) {
require(msg.sender == address(gatewayContract), "only gateway");
// decoding our payload
TransferParams memory transferParams = abi.decode(packet, (TransferParams));

return abi.encode(srcChainId);

/// @notice function to handle the acknowledgement received from the destination chain
/// back on the source chain.
/// @param requestIdentifier event nonce which is received when we create a cross-chain request
/// We can use it to keep a mapping of which nonces have been executed and which did not.
/// @param execFlag a boolean value suggesting whether the call was successfully
/// executed on the destination chain.
/// @param execData returning the data returned from the handleRequestFromSource
/// function of the destination chain.
function iAck(
uint256 requestIdentifier,
bool execFlag,
bytes memory execData
) external override {}

/// @notice Function to convert bytes to address
/// @param _bytes bytes to be converted
/// @return addr address pertaining to the bytes
function toAddress(bytes memory _bytes) internal pure returns (address addr) {
bytes20 srcTokenAddress;
assembly {
srcTokenAddress := mload(add(_bytes, 0x20))
addr = address(srcTokenAddress);

STEP 2) Cross-Chain functions in brief

1) transferCrossChain Function

This function is responsible for creating a cross-chain NFT-transfer request. It first burns the NFT from contract on source chain, utilises gateway contracts' ISend function to send request to mint the NFT to the user on the destination chain.

2) IReceive Function

Once a cross-chain request is initiated from the source chain, the message will be delivered to the destination chain which is received by IReceive function that decodes the data and mints the NFT to the user.