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Installing and Initializing Router SDK

Install Router SDK into your JavaScript development environment by running the following command in your terminal:

npm install @routerprotocol/router-js-sdk

or if you prefer yarn, use:

yarn add @routerprotocol/router-js-sdk

After installing the module, import and initialize it into your code:


import { RouterProtocol } from "@routerprotocol/router-js-sdk"
import { ethers } from "ethers";

let SDK_ID = 24 // get your unique sdk id by contacting us on Telegram
let chainId = 137
const provider = new ethers.providers.JsonRpcProvider("", chainId)

const routerprotocol = new RouterProtocol(SDK_ID, chainId, provider)
await routerprotocol.initialize()

To play around with the SDK, you can use the SDK ID given in the example above. But for use in any product/protocol, you will be assigned a unique SDK ID. To get your SDK ID, please contact us on Telegram.