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Integrate ASM into Your Application

After building your ASM, you can deploy it on the desired chain. To send a request from the source chain to the destination chain, the user needs to call the following function signature.

pub fn i_send(
&mut self,
version: U128,
dest_chain_id: String,
request_metadata: Vec<u8>,
request_packet: Vec<u8>
) -> U128

In the above-mentioned code snippet, a request_metadata parameter needs to be constructed, which is an ABI-encoded parameter that can be generated on-chain or passed via arguments in a function call. Checkout this section to know more about the request_metadata parameter.

The last argument in the request_metadata parameter is asm_address in the string format. As the name suggests, this address points to the ASM contract on the destination chain. The request_metadata parameter can be created on-chain using the following function:

fn get_request_metadata(
dest_gas_limit: u64,
dest_gas_price: u64,
ack_gas_limit: u64,
ack_gas_price: u64,
relayer_fees: U128,
ack_type: u8,
is_read_call: bool,
asm_address: String
) -> Vec<u8> {
let mut request_metadata: Vec<u8> = vec![];

request_metadata.append(&mut dest_gas_limit.to_be_bytes().to_vec());
request_metadata.append(&mut dest_gas_price.to_be_bytes().to_vec());
request_metadata.append(&mut ack_gas_limit.to_be_bytes().to_vec());
request_metadata.append(&mut ack_gas_price.to_be_bytes().to_vec());
request_metadata.append(&mut u128::from(relayer_fees).to_be_bytes().to_vec());
request_metadata.append(&mut ack_type.to_be_bytes().to_vec());

if is_read_call {
request_metadata.append(&mut vec![1]);
} else {
request_metadata.append(&mut vec![0]);
request_metadata.append(&mut asm_address.as_bytes().to_vec());


Alternatively, the request_metadata parameter can be created in TypeScript or JavaScript using the following function:

function getRequestMetadata(
destGasLimit: number,
destGasPrice: number,
ackGasLimit: number,
ackGasPrice: number,
relayerFees: string,
ackType: number,
isReadCall: boolean,
asmAddress: string
): string {
return ethers.utils.solidityPack(